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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Google Tools Practical Reflection

Today’s entry is about project reflection which is “Google Tools Practical”. It was quite a journey using some of Googles products such as “Gmail, Google Earth, Google Searching, Blogs, Google Desktop, Google Picasa and many other useful tools. Each and every tool has its advantages and is very useful for work, family and friends in order to enhance communication and knowledge.

At the beginning of this year each student was given a tool to monitor and explain in class some of the tools I have mention earlier. Some tools were new, for instance “Google Finance” users can search for financial news or records for a desired year, “Google Reader” users can RSS their favorite news and Google Chrome” which made a huge difference in security and speed and became my default browser!

Each student was assigned to do a site using Google Sites and create all twenty tools as long as ten blog entries. Here are some of the tools that were new to me and I have benefited from: Starting with iGoogle,this unique customized search where I can put the gadgets I want on one page such as myGmail account so that I can easily check my new messages, check the weather cast date and time, my favorite games and of course YouTube. With this amazing personal web gateway, you can play, read, add and change your page. Following one, Google Sites is an online application. This application was one of the easiest and simplest procedures in creating a website. Lastly, Google Labs is a website that demonstrates Google new projects. This is a way for Google to gain feedback on the products before releasing the final versions.

Some were hard to explain and use and some were easy and understandable. Making a site is hard but Google Sites made it easier to set up your own site and customize it they way you want. What was frustrating is the amount of time given; it was good but didn’t meet other projects, deadline and exams. I rushed through making my site and blogs. Time consuming was my issue; with my wedding coming so fast and with the midterms of this semester. I have learned a lot and can express more about myself after writing entries each week and publishing my website.

To conclude, having the chance to make my own site and blog is an unforgettable experience because I had the chance to read my classmates stories and know them better, this will also help me in the near future and in my career life.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Right Or Left Brain Dominant

Last year I made a video for my peer-teaching class which is very familiar on YouTube but it’s my version of the game.

Have you heard of “say the color not the word”? Well it is fun and brings energy to those how tried to play it. For my group project I used it as a break between the training sessions.

These kind of tests or games shows if you are a right thinker if or left, maybe!

I have read this in another blog and loved to share :


There are also ways to find out if you’re more right- or left-brain dominant. Each hemisphere of your brain controls different aspects of your thinking. The right side is more creative, the left more analytical.

When JM was in elementary school she conducted this simple test as a science fair project to help determine if her subject was predominately right- or left-brain controlled. Looking at this chart, read the color rather than the word… try to do this quickly and not stop between each word. Example: on the first word say ‘red’ don’t read ‘blue.’

If you are right-brain dominate you will be able to ‘read’ the color, if you are left-brain dominate you will want to ‘read’ the word."

My class mates and I have completed the survey of personality that our teacher made and everyone found whether they are right or left brain dominant. I turned out to be a left-brain thinker!

Here is another post of same discussion, for those who don't know what side they are will know after reading this article:

This is my video:

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Nephew


Just look at the video and tell if you adore this kid or not!

He’s 2 years old and he just loves to wear heels! Whenever I come back from college or anywhere else he follows me to the room and waits until I take my heels off and then it’s his turn to wear them =P

I'll leave you with the video:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Got Engaged!

Yes... I did!

Hahahaa I don't know what to say or write ~_*

Well it was a long long day, but that moment was really fast. What was funny is that I didn't know which finger the ring supposed to be worn on! My facial expressions were not for someone who’s getting engaged. When "he" came in I was surprised, shy and at the same time confused of what is going on. The engagement party was held in my parents’ house and it was for 2 days Thursday for men and Friday for women.

I never thought that I will be getting married someday. I have always argued with my friends that I am the last person who will be getting married but fate turn the other way and I was the first among my friends who got engaged! Who knew!!

January the 8th will be my wedding day, many things to do in this short period. I am still studying and one week before the wedding is my midterm exams!!! Stress is controlling me in the mean time and I hope my achievements and preparation for the wedding satisfies my family.

I wish all my friends and family a happy life =)

Have a nice day~

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Diary

I miss writing in my blog.....NOT! =P

There were loads of things and submissions to handle the past two weeks.

Around this time of the year, theof semester , the creepy monster is back and finally will end it with 2010 holidays , new year new beginning!

My last trip with the college was fun yet tiring! It was a long walk from the drop off area to the entrance and the weather was not helping at all. (-_-“)

We went to the air show in Dubai and it was an amazing experience. There were many aircrafts on dock such as jets, passengers plane, helicopters and many other freights =P

I took some pictures during the show. This is my first time visiting such event which I really loved and glad that I went.

I will upload the pictures of this trip in the next post.

I'll come back soon!

Fighting~ '\(*_*)/'

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Second week of November

On the 10th of November, we had an open day for high school graduate students from different school. Each program did a presentation concerning their major. As a finance student we did a presentation of a bank. It similar to the awareness campaign that we did the previous week however this is more for student who don’t save or wants to save money and how can banks help.

On the 12th of November, the last day of the week. *yay*

My friend and I went to the cafeteria and we were standing waiting to order. When it was our turn, some “Barbie girls” cut the line and wanted to order. (Aagghh I hate when these things happen to me) I got frustrated and told my friend to order. I just couldn’t stand their attitude, their giggles and laughs so I said in a loud voice: “EXCUSE ME!” more than three times, “we came first!. . . 2 margarita and 1…..” haha I didn’t give them a chance to talk, I ordered directly, paid and sat.

Why do people cut lines? Or being “pretty” allows them to?

Friday, November 13, 2009

EIB Awarness Campaign

The first week of November 2009

Most of my life experiences is either at college or at home. It was a new experience that we, as a group of students encourage those who no nothing about bank accounts and their features. The campaign was for Emirates Islamic Bank were we did a kind of advertisement on some of the products that we chose. Our group did 5 different posters of the Al Reem Ladies Banking which was only for women and EMTALIK which finance personal loans.

This campaign helped me in many ways:
1. Enhanced my communication skills, talk to people I never met in campus.
2. Learned more about these products.
3. Understood the importance of saving.

All in all, I became more aware from this experience.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The monster is back!

29th of October

Grab your books, take your notes, and eat everything you learned; the monster will come any minute soon. That's what happens to me during midterms (-_-'). I never in my life loved exams and will never do; I prefer reports or presentations more.

What’s more, I like numbers and calculations and not case studies or explanations. Last year we were asked about program choice and I was confused whether to choose accounting or finance however, eventually I took the finance program. Both programs are not easy and needs students who are hard working. Don't make the monster take away your grades and years of success and don't stop writing.

After the exam today which was in corporate clients I felt like I've dropped a ship from my chest because I was really anxious about the sort of questions that are written.

To all students around the world, get your gears ready for a match with the monster that never dies.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Presentations ... again!

As a finance student we had to market a finance product and a website that we chose for the IST project. Its not as easy as marketing a perfume or a shampoo! its more likely invisible. Marketing an online banking was new for me and I didn't really know how to explain it in front of the class. hmm, I tried my best and i got an average grade ;(

However, on the next day I focused more since its a website it is easier to explain, so things went well on that day and everyone was happy.

The week was full of presentations !!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google Project Reflection

Google project is a new way to discover Google tools and some useful topic that is related to our courses. It is a new way to make student train each other. Some topics were fun, interesting and useful for us as finance students like Google docs, iGoogle and Google Finance while others were straightforward such as Gmail, Google Toolbar and Firefox . As for my topic, I was assigned to train my classmates about Google interface. Google interface was more of a discovering topic than training. I was frustrated because I didn't have anything to train my classmates about and will lose marks for that. I hope my grades will turn out good and I wished I had a topic that will be easy to explain and teach.

This project was a long process project. I started to get bored towards the end of the class. A fifteen minutes training session is short for some topics that the students were given to. At the end I'm happy we finished this project.