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Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Diary

I miss writing in my blog.....NOT! =P

There were loads of things and submissions to handle the past two weeks.

Around this time of the year, theof semester , the creepy monster is back and finally will end it with 2010 holidays , new year new beginning!

My last trip with the college was fun yet tiring! It was a long walk from the drop off area to the entrance and the weather was not helping at all. (-_-“)

We went to the air show in Dubai and it was an amazing experience. There were many aircrafts on dock such as jets, passengers plane, helicopters and many other freights =P

I took some pictures during the show. This is my first time visiting such event which I really loved and glad that I went.

I will upload the pictures of this trip in the next post.

I'll come back soon!

Fighting~ '\(*_*)/'

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Second week of November

On the 10th of November, we had an open day for high school graduate students from different school. Each program did a presentation concerning their major. As a finance student we did a presentation of a bank. It similar to the awareness campaign that we did the previous week however this is more for student who don’t save or wants to save money and how can banks help.

On the 12th of November, the last day of the week. *yay*

My friend and I went to the cafeteria and we were standing waiting to order. When it was our turn, some “Barbie girls” cut the line and wanted to order. (Aagghh I hate when these things happen to me) I got frustrated and told my friend to order. I just couldn’t stand their attitude, their giggles and laughs so I said in a loud voice: “EXCUSE ME!” more than three times, “we came first!. . . 2 margarita and 1…..” haha I didn’t give them a chance to talk, I ordered directly, paid and sat.

Why do people cut lines? Or being “pretty” allows them to?

Friday, November 13, 2009

EIB Awarness Campaign

The first week of November 2009

Most of my life experiences is either at college or at home. It was a new experience that we, as a group of students encourage those who no nothing about bank accounts and their features. The campaign was for Emirates Islamic Bank were we did a kind of advertisement on some of the products that we chose. Our group did 5 different posters of the Al Reem Ladies Banking which was only for women and EMTALIK which finance personal loans.

This campaign helped me in many ways:
1. Enhanced my communication skills, talk to people I never met in campus.
2. Learned more about these products.
3. Understood the importance of saving.

All in all, I became more aware from this experience.